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Advocacy Rights UK (ARUK)

Clan Mothers And Elders

Clan Mothers and Clan Elders represent the leaders of ARUK COMMUNITIES and the URBAN AND RURAL CLAN MOVEMENT.


They act as the trusted custodians of both the material assets/resources and Spiritual traditions of these Organisations.  They are regarded by the movement as teachers, spokespersons and public representatives of both movements.



Head Clan Mother

Candice Lemonius.jpg

Candice Lemonius has for many years been involved in spiritual work and the study of metaphysical and esoteric sciences. She has a strong academic and experiential background in Health, Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy and has worked with a wide and varied range of clients, helping them in their spiritual search and journey.


Her work, involves assisting clients through the often turbulent processes of spiritual awakening and the resulting evolution of the Individual Consciousness. This may involve traditional counselling therapies or one of the more holistic pathways within both the Western and Eastern traditions. She often uses Spiritual Alchemy, Yoga and Kundalini practices, Tai Chi meditation, Angelic Reiki, healing based on Ancient Hermetic Healing systems, 5th Dimensional and ‘Touchless Healing Technologies.’


Candice is a gifted and powerful medium with strong intuitive abilities and acts as a channel for Higher Dimensional Intelligences, often working with diverse energies, in particular the Divine Feminine Mother, notably the Goddess Isis. In her work as a High Priestess of Isis, she has received through inspiration a number of new metaphysical systems contained in private and as of yet, publicly unpublished volumes, namely: ‘The Science of the Immortals,’ The Science of Abstract Consciousness,’ ‘The Way of the Dead’ and ‘Practical Spirituality for the Modern Age.’ Those who are interested in obtaining access to these works should get in contact.


"I was stressed with credit card and mortgage arrears but with the skilful help of an ARUK 'Dispute Settlement Agent' (DSA) I reached arrangements with all my creditors."




- Ryan Holland

Community Member

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