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Advocacy Rights UK (ARUK)

The Urban And Rural Clan Movement


As the nation state teeters and threatens collapse, we must ask ourselves, beyond my family and neighbours – who am I?… and further, what are 'communities' and 'societies?'  What are the hallmarks of 'organic societies' -v- 'synthetic societies?'


The seed of society is the Individual Self, growing and expanding into that individual’s family.


Neighbours are a natural extension and a group of such families form a community of families, which can become a Clan.


In time, due to proximity, they will become related by blood, and the Clans will form tribes.  The Clan is therefore pivotal to the natural state of society.





The “Clan” is the antidote to the “Gang.”  On the face of it, they may appear similar, but they are conceptually different.  One (the Gang) is rooted in Gangsterism and lawlessness, whilst the other (the Clan) has a long and noble tradition, rooted in the protection of the individual, the family and the tribe.  In these institutions, lie the Rights of Man.


History has taught us that the foundations of a nation state are often synthetic and far from natural.  Our commitment is to develop a ‘Quantum Society’ through ‘ARUK COMMUNITIES,’ governed by the spiritual awareness, innate in the ‘naturally’ emerging communities.


The values, aims and objectives at the heart of this Global Movement, are Love, Respect, Justice & Peace.

Clans And Gangs


"I was stressed with credit card and mortgage arrears but with the skilful help of an ARUK 'Dispute Settlement Agent' (DSA) I reached arrangements with all my creditors."




- Ryan Holland

Community Member

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